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BCD Birthday Contest: Show your skills & win 2,000 BCD!


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Happy Birthday BCD!

Might consider these design from me.

Goodluck everyone!

1st Entry: (BCD Currency)
This entry is a simple but clean currency logo for BCD which emphasize the coin.


Here a smaller HD version of it:
2nd Entry: (The Mascot-Coco)
Since its BCD's birthday, I edited a baby version of the mascot I always saw from the BC.game interface with him holding the currency of BCD.

This is how it looks:
Hope you guys like it!!

Edited by Szechuan1
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On 4/10/2023 at 9:49 PM, Betmasters said:




Because we love the COCO it's super important to incorporate the crocodile into what everyone wants to earn, dollars. If COCO's time is the time to earn BCD, why can't BCD have the face of our COCO? He is much more original than dogs.

Original text: Como amamos o COCO, é super importante incorporar o crocodilo naquilo que todos querem ganhar, dólares. Se a hora do COCO é a hora de ganhar o BCD, por que o BCD não pode ter a cara do nosso COCO? Ele é muito mais original do que cachorros.


Interesting submission.

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UID : 2114332    SatashiaNakamota VIP LVL 49

happy birthday BCD Contest, I hope I will be in the top 5 of the best projects. I therefore share with you 2 512x512 PN.G photos including 1 logo and a diversified image, knowing that I applied more than 25 layers, several effects and color replacement and text modification. I made his editing on Photoshop and After effect in 5 hours. know that if I win a prize I could modify change arrange the logo the colors the images ect and send you the different files modified personally. to conclude another happy birthday to BCD and I wish you good luck and I really hope to win the prize because I consider my work to be the most sought after. good day and good weekend to all the bc games community

BCD birthday contest.png

BCD birthday contest logo.png

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