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3 times money got stolen from my account while playing!


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  On 4/12/2020 at 8:22 PM, Zwytbqauvrb said:

3 times money was wired from my account while I was playing with a script. Even after activating 2-factor authentication that happened!!! 2 of the staff never replied when I wrote them a message about it! More than 100 USD is missing! This can never be!


You say "Playing With a Script" What Script?? Why Not Provide The Code For It Here


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  On 4/12/2020 at 11:11 PM, Zwytbqauvrb said:

I used the standard martingale script provided by the site! Put it on payout factor 2 and lossmultiplier 2,3 and worked great. But all my money got stolen twice while playing and no one from the website replies!!!


OKay so  by stonlen you mean you lost... LOL  Go to your wallet  in bcGame and pick the currency/coin you were betting and click on bill. it will have a history of everything. Bring solid proof  before making claims of it being stolen. 



  On 4/12/2020 at 11:12 PM, Zwytbqauvrb said:

WOW!!! You wagered a ton! How much are You up or down?


Who Knows, I Bet 1055 XRP In Video Poker & Hit 4 of a Kind. 23k XRP 


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Same thing happen to me with turtle

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I actually did mean STOLEN!!! And NOT lost! It happened while I was playing the script 3 times. I was left with no money at all twice! ;-/ Untill now no employee from the website ever contested or ever helped. Nor was my money put back into my account! Losing happens and that is fine when You are playing but this is pure theft!!! It should never be possible to login to my account at the same time and apart from that I have 2 factor authentication installed and my phone was right next to me when it happened.

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pm me in private chat in the game I'll explain johan22 

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  On 4/13/2020 at 1:08 PM, Zwytbqauvrb said:

I actually did mean STOLEN!!! And NOT lost! It happened while I was playing the script 3 times. I was left with no money at all twice! ;-/ Untill now no employee from the website ever contested or ever helped. Nor was my money put back into my account! Losing happens and that is fine when You are playing but this is pure theft!!! It should never be possible to login to my account at the same time and apart from that I have 2 factor authentication installed and my phone was right next to me when it happened.


I'm Pointing Some Mods This Way. what Game were you playing and which script ? i'll look at the script. Probably want to change your password for your account also.



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Thanks Intelligence!!! I definitely need to speak to some mods!!! 2 of them have never replied so far so that is pretty bad! This happened 10 days ago! I was playing the standard Martingale script. Winfactor 2 and sometimes three. And doubling after every loss or times 2,3 after a loss. Very basic. Made about 0,5 LTC that way with very low wagers and very long runs but all my money got stolen. Before depositing my second LTC (after the first theft) I talked to someone who works at BC game and he told me that it would never happen again when I activated 2 factor authentication. Well I did and was up 0,3 LTC and exactly the same happened again. Someone logged in to my account from another location while I was playing the script and cashed out my money! BC game has a huge security issue somewhere! Another player wrote he had exactly the same issue! See above... Thanks for the help so far! Can the mods please reply to this post!!! I don't know where my private messages are located!!! :-/ LOL.

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The MOD I notified I Havent Seen Or Talked To In About 2 Days. 


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  On 4/14/2020 at 10:39 PM, Zwytbqauvrb said:

I started a conversation with 2 of them 10 days ago and no reply was ever sent!!! 😕 When something like this happens they should be all over the case!  Does BC game have a customerservice? If so how can I directly contact them?



On the bc.game website when you are logged in there is a support button at the bottom


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Yeah support came with a BS story that the money was withdrawn with the device that I made the account with! I knew that could not be true because the device was not even connected when the money got stolen. Logs they sent me later show it was stolen from a computer with chrome in Havana (exact location and owner of the IP-adresses known) while I was in Holland at that time and they still keep up the BS story that it is one of my friends and they do not have a problem with their security!!! I have 2fa in place after the first time money got stolen and on logging into my account it does not even ask for the code!!! How is that not a problem with their security!?? They should apologize and give me back my money and make sure things like that never happen again! But no they sent me note that I should change all my passwords and they hope I will return playing after the bad experience! But how can I? Money I deposit gets stolen within 24 hours 3 times and I have heard this has happened to 2 other players as well! So not an isolated problem at all! And then BC game tells blatent lies about where the login came from (device and location) and that the money was withdrawn from my own device from my own network!!! BC game apologise and return my money and make sure things like that do NOT happen anymore in the future! This is just a total scam!!!

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